@DTTOLATE welcome bud. What colour scheme is your bike? I have a 99 blue one at present which seem so common now but I sure do miss my old 88 black and red bike.

DTR@DTTOLATE electric start was an optional extra from factory only in Europe.
Choppy power band@SpookDog it is a reed switch bud.
Derestrict yamaha dt 125 r 1997@Mr-Shadi bloody hell mate, if you scroll down through this thread you'll see that's exactly what I told you to do back in April. Glad you finally got it anyway. Happy days.
Choppy power band@Hark_Ptooie hi bud, first you need to establish exactly which model you have. The 'gizmo' in the speedo you mention is the reed switch which was on the 4BK model, 99-03. Yet the DE03 you claim to have (03-07) didn't have the reed switch but had the green/black wire to earth the CDI. Has the engine been changed? Does yours have electric start? Do you know if it's a DT125R/DT125RE/DT125X/SM?
So Close!...@SpookDog try KMT products limited. British made jets by a Northamptonshire company. Top quality too. Unlike the Chinese copies and they start at .10.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273888042871?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RUUIcrapSsS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7ztfcrwyt6w&var=573711906965&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
Need to verify my bike year and model so i can look for restrictions@Calum the RE/X models have catalytic converters inside the expansion chambers. Unlike the the Japanese built 125R models, they had to conform to European emmisions regulations. This rule came out in 2003.
MPH Speedo wanted for 1998 DT 125R@Ponds1 if you change the gearing then the odometer will read in miles. So will the speedo. It will alter the gearing so at any given amount of mph, example 35 mph, will read as 35 kph on your Speedo. It will do the conversion itself so don't touch the face. If you do change the face to mph then it will be correct but the odometer will still measure kilometres. Only change one or the other.
MPH Speedo wanted for 1998 DT 125R@Ponds1 if you are getting the converter then don't touch the clock face. It alters it by the correct ratio so the kmh clock will read mph. Example, at 10mph the needle will show 10kmh, at 20mph it will show 20kmh. It converts it for you.
MPH Speedo wanted for 1998 DT 125R@Ponds1 first remove the trip counter reset knob by turning clockwise, the opposite way to which you'd turn it to reset it. Then remove the back, warm it up with a hair dryer to soften the glue. Then the critical part, if you don't do this the Speedo will never read correctly. Gently and carefully prize the needle over the needle stop peg and let it come to a rest, make a note of the position with a bit of tape, measurements etc. Take a back up photo too. Then gently prize off the needle with a small screwdriver on opposite sides at same time, undo the 2 screws and the face is free. Replace needle in same position when reassembling then lift it back over the stop peg.
DT 125X Head light@Calum so they run off the battery?
DT 125X Head light@Waggstar headlight runs off the stator not the battery so the engine does need to be running.
So Close!...@SpookDog the top dust seals are £9.95 from pyramid parts.
Diferent autolube covers@Hybrid_Theory01 the early ones up to 1998 had the 'shell' like cover. 98 on was the flat cover due to having a different oil pump. For this reason there is 2 different throttle cables available.
Derestrict yamaha dt 125 r 1997@Mr-Shadi you have the 4BL model, that's the later one with the reed switch but I guess you must have the restricted 3RM-10 CDI?
Derestrict yamaha dt 125 r 1997@Mr-Shadi this is a reed switch. If you look at it, it looks to be a broken fuse. When the speedo hits 61 mph it sends an electro magnetic signal and closes the switch which retards the ignition and closes the powervalve back up. Either move it far away from the clocks so the magnet can't reach it or cut it off and keep the wires apart.
Derestrict yamaha dt 125 r 1997@Mr-Shadi the 1997 doesn't have the reed switch. It has a restricted CDI. Maybe change it for the older 3nc CDI. But you should be getting a lot more than 80kmh. Something else isn't right for sure.
Ignition key replacment@erion don't know much else about this year to be honest only some of the older European ones has a little washer type thing spot welded into the exhaust at the header to close it up and restrict it. Remove the exhaust and you'll see it if it's there.
Ignition key replacment@erion 4DK was manufactured in 1994 for sale in Europe.