Project SMX [Pic Heavy]
@Calum @stinkwheeler It's interesting that a pure owners club forum has less traffic than the FB groups, all down to easy access and lazy people I guess? Plus I also suspect that it's easier for scammers to find victims on FB, which is a shame but the modern world we live in sadly!!! :disappointed_face: :worried_face: :persevering_face:
@NINJA i think is down to people just living on Facebook and the fact it has market place tbh its pot luck with scammers I've had some good and bad experiences with buying and selling on fbook i sent a guy 20 quid through bank transfer for a mint condition head and actually recived it so there are good and bad everywhere tbh ..
@stinkwheeler Too true, it's 50/50 who's good and who's bad as you rightly say. I do not give out my bank details, I always use Paypal, so at least you have some protection.
@Calum FB is over-rated, I have over 1000 so called 'friends' from games I use to play on there. All just faceless names to me and I learnt the hard way about so called 'Social games'. Interacting with like minded people who share a common interest is COOL. If people are really serious about being an enthusiast, having a hobby or into owning something, then they would search for an owners club and not just join a random group. Don't get me wrong, there are some very helpful people in FB's group's but for every 10 good people, there's always the 11th douche-bag!!!
I certainly keep my facebook private and don't want this forum associated with facebook. The amount of tits who spend their life on there questioning and complaining on everyone else's posts is not something that is needed here. Though I certainly wouldn't mind an online chat room being added, could make for some interesting conversation. How many people here use discord?
@Minia I only use Discord whilst gaming, but that's just to enable teamwork and win the games, I certainly would not use any VOIP service just to talk to random people. However, I agree with you that a lot of people just use online chat to vent their frustrations at others and I would imagine it could quickly become a nightmare to moderate. I feel that the current set-up is perfect, as we get to interact with one another on a friendly but non-invasive level. Plus a chat feature is already included in this forums software.
Personally I feel that the current set-up is just peachy and as the ole saying goes, if it ain't broke.......................................
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :winking_face:
Update: I got the engine all sprayed up with some VHT paint and she's all ready to be slotted back into the frame now. I was surprised that the engine left the factory unpainted, I guess that as it's mostly alloy/aluminium that they do not rust much? I also cleaned up and smoothed out the exhaust and inlet ports too. All_in_all she came up pretty good and once all the crank covers etc are back on, she should look damn good;
Yeah the engine is ally so why would you paint it? On the Aprilias, they actually used decent steel bolts to hold the engine together, rather than the cheese ones you find on the DT.
I don't know what the Mitaka Barrels are like, but the boggo RS cylinders are pretty clean. The Gilardoni barrel I bought was superb. Sure there was a few places here and there you could potentially clean, but all and all a good solid cylinder.
How much you got left to do?
@Calum I painted it as I thought that it would look better and add some protection as well? The majority of the guy's on the Aprilia FB groups paint thier engine's, so I assumed that was the way to go? Did you not paint your RS engine then?
The Mitaka's barrel has the same pitted/rough finish both internally as externally, so I just used some emery cloth and wet n' dry to smooth them off. Most likely won't make that much of a difference to performance, but it massaged my OCD for-sure. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat:
I think that's most of the respraying done now, I've had to redo a couple of parts as they got damaged when I accidentally knocked a box over. I need some swing arm bearing's and need to finish off polishing it before I can install the rear end. I will most likely put the original swing arm back on, just to get a rolling chassis, which will make working on her easier as my garage is quite full up. The wheels need refurbing, which is the next major expense, plus I need to buy some silly bit's n' bobs as well. So I should be able to start the rebuilding next week hopefully??? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
A small update; I spent the day cleaning up some parts and a bunch of bolts too, all ready for the big re-installation. I was gonna buy a new set of fork guards, but at £64 a pair it was a purchase I just couldn't justify. So instead I decided to see how well my current set would clean up and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with the finished result. Their not perfect mind, but I have a rather sexy set of decals I plan on, which will cover most of the plastic up anyways, so I really just wanted a nice smooth base for the decals to stick too.
Update; More parts cleaned up all ready for refitting. The Oil tank was filthy and covered in grime, so it needed a damn good clean.
I decided to spray it, as it still looked tacky and horrible really. Also a few new parts arrived, new throttle and cable, new lock set and I cleaned up the power valve assembly and fitted a new cable, as the old one was frayed.
I cleaned these up too;
And finally this arrived today, yet another ebay special all the way from Germany, new control switches as the original set are badly scratched;
@Louis-James LOLLLZZZZZZZZZZ Thank you. And DAMN I forgot to take some photo's of all the bolt's I spent 3 hours cleaning up!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
@Calum Yep tedious as hell, but I guess it will be worth it in the long run. I plan to swap a lot of em with SS one's I have bought, but the larger one's and some specific bolts are not easily replaceable so it had to be done. Plus if I can't fit the replacement SS bolts, I will have a back-up plan - anyways thank god that job is finished. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: