Need help
@vtrn_raptor I can't see the picture very well but yes that looks like a plug from too much fuel wet
Do you use Instagram ? As could send you a video of what the bikes doing on their
It's like this while riding won't go past 20mph soon as I let of the throttle it dies
@vtrn_raptor yey now people can help you and this could be a few things don't think you will have a hard time solving this one I personally think that is a fuel problem what is it like at idle and building up to 6k and can it be a pain to start sometimes
whats it like on and off choke take your time to answer -
Idles fine until giving throttle will gradually build up to 6k and even past it but does what happens in the vid if you give it full throttle with choke on it dies instantly but will start with it on but have to turn it off usually starts first kick from cold I'll take the snorkel off in a sec and give it a go
Around 1.5-2k
@vtrn_raptor that's high
@vtrn_raptor so it does start without choke? I can't make sense of what you said mate.
If it starts from cold without choke then it's 100% too rich
I forgot to put the , lol and it starts with choke on but I have to take It off to keep it running