Somethings leaking :/
Hi, recently brought a Dt in September and I’m fairly new to the dismantling and fixing side of engines but like to think I’m not completely useless as fitted a kickstarter mech and a few other basic changes to the bike.
Got back from a ride and noticed there was oil all over the bottom of my casing and also my coolant was leaking from the pump. The oil and coolant has seem have just gone straight through the gaskets. (Shitty eBay set for like a 10r which I now know are useless) they lasted a month but that’s it... just wondering if something else it leaking like the head and wanted another point of view before I end up replacing all gaskets. Because looks a bit of an odd place for oil to be if it’s just the right side of engine.
Added a few photos (I think)
Any helps appreciated -
@Irongamer727 yes that’s what I was thinking but wondering why the oil managed to get so far up the casing at the front? Or would this be normal. Cheers
@jakeyboy Also the black oil is burnt engine oil, I would check that all engine bolts are securely tightened up to their correct torque settings. And the carb fixings on the rubber pipes and manifold as well. Personally I would replace all gaskets with the Athena ones, as with everything in life quality does not come cheap and buying cheap products usually costs you in the long run. :winking_face:
I would also check that you exhaust is not leaking anywhere too. And in your second pic you have different bolts holding on the water pump cover. Which would give different levels of sealing. It would be worth replacing all of those with bolts which are all the same. Cheap Stainless steel bolt kits can be purchased off ebay and are well worth the investment in the long run. Along with a Haynes manual too, both are essential bit's of kit which will save you a lot of money!!!
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
@NINJA thanks for the help appreciate it, already purchased the bolt kit so should be arriving soon and about to get new gasket set. Will be sorting that out when it arrives and also got some new reeds coming so will be a good opportunity to check all the bolts on manifold and carb. Also I have a 2005 Yamaha DT X, would this be ok as I’m aware they are fairly similar.
@Irongamer727 cheaper than buying individually and less hassle
@jakeyboy I believe that the DTR and DTX share the same engine, maybe with some slight differences, but the Haynes manual will give lots of help with basic maintenance. And the Athena gaskets look good, it's always better to start off with a full set, as that way if you don't use em all you will have some spares for the future.
You can download the manuals for free, but having a hard copy is always handy;
See here;