Just polished the romeru pipe you can get the stainless up quite nice with a bit of elbow grease and some autosol ..... http://imgur.com/gallery/0HRcGQF
I have now acquired a spare 3mb head and barrel to get bored / or not ..... ported polished blasted and powdercoated pics to follow ....

Jason coombes
Forum Software Updated@calum is that that mugen siki guy that built that dt on his balcony somwhere the white one ?
Dep full system swith dt125r 2001@jamesrandall93 ..... temperature rising quickly? Eerrm it should rise quickly up to normal operating temperature .... you mean in to the red ? ..... im guessing before you posted this you checked the water level ect ? ...... a more detailed description will help us provide you with a better reply
DTX 125 PRODJECTJust a small update polished the sprocket casing and sent he little guard off for chroming http://imgur.com/gallery/PDycNVf but still waiting on the barrel being bored out ... and parts from america and some handguards from china
... i hate waiting
DTX 125 PRODJECTWell here it is its not perfect by any means but its taken months and i need to press on so i shall ring pjs tomorrow and see what they can do me for I'm after a re line and bored to 140 ish and head and powervalve reworking and a wiseco forged piston
DTX 125 PRODJECTProgress has been slow being a new parent takes up so much of your time i never imagined... i decided to take on polishing my cylinder head and barrel before sending it off to mick im just waiting on some dremmel buffers and will polish with autosol to finish will post pics of it finnished but this has taken 3 months of evening with a dremel and wet and dry
DTX 125 PRODJECTSo i ended up getting a honda veradero 125 v twin for work in the end
a comfortable bike but bloddy slow to 70 and thats it lol ....... bought a few more bits for the dt better coil fork adjusters.. new seat cover .. some r and g wheel bobbins .. next week i will buy the zeel i just purchased a single piece cnc powervalve http://imgur.com/gallery/9m3Ebiu if anyone has had Any experience with them the plan is to bore a cylinder with a liner to 150cc ish wiseco forged piston get the barrel ported by mick and the head re machined and maybe an oring conversion I'm not sure on that one yet pics to follow...
DTX 125 PRODJECT@tdrgreg2 thats cool buddy the fact you saw it advertised as stolen the more people will recognise it although I'm sure its long gone ......... update just ordered the romeu exhaust today 250 quid will post pics of fitting when it arrives
DTX 125 PRODJECT(http://imgur.com/gallery/8Peykmm) so heres my dtx prodject i bought it a year ago looking like this it looked a bit sad and the frame was really bad so had to be stripped and powder coated
Project SMX [Pic Heavy]@NINJA i think is down to people just living on Facebook and the fact it has market place tbh its pot luck with scammers I've had some good and bad experiences with buying and selling on fbook i sent a guy 20 quid through bank transfer for a mint condition head and actually recived it so there are good and bad everywhere tbh ..
Rs 125 chesterfeild projectSo after my first dtr supermoto was stolen and was left bikeless for a for weeks i was offered this rs for 400 quid so i snapped it up it was in a sorry state but have slowly been doing little bits at a time as i use it for the 35 mile round trip to work everyday and verry little time but i thought i would get a build thread for it up to date ![alt text] http://imgur.com/gallery/1WIhetE
Best chains / sprokets for dtxThanks for your help guys i decided to go with the 420 in the end just on the price factor as i got it for 40 with o ring and sprockets
Dtr 125 racing rota / stator / flywheel@calum my polini kit has been sweet just run it slightly rich always and running no base gasket is the trick ... just use instant gasket
..... and the thing is i want another dt mine was stolen and i bought the rs ..... i want to build another dt with ported athena 170 .. race inner rota .... 34mm Klein flatslide v force reeds stainless pipe ect ... thats why I'm on here stealing ideas looking to spend 4k on this one
Forum stickersI saw somewhere in an old post a few members were talking about forum stickers ... this should deffinatly happen maybe even printed tshirts ... also maybe set up a facebook page for the forum to pull in new members and new build threads and maybe a link to make contributions towards the upkeep of the forum ..... just putting ideas out there i know you guys are busy
CAT B Write Off - Back on road?@NINJA the bike was reported stolen but never claimed on the insurance that was the point i have the logbook and original pannels engine with matching numbers loom ... so if i had the frame and re vined it I'd have a bike for the price of a written off frame.
Sinnis apache usd conversion?My freind had a sinnis apache and after about 2 years the seals gave up and they were pitted like mad on the forks and they are terrible.... just buy some decent ones off of a mx bike such as the yz .... anything else would be pointless as its not really an upgrade for the effort you will need to put in fabricating parts ...
Direct Injection@ninja you can buy the whole kit from eco trons online there is also a guy on youtube with it fitted to an rs ... it would be interesting to see what the gains would be
Sunny day photo shootIt does look amazing its just a shame about that back end and indicators it used to look so much better
DTX 125 PRODJECTSo after a long 2 month wait the zeeltronic is finally here http://imgur.com/gallery/SB8wNg1 along with a wiseco forged piston i can now start to get the ball rolling
DTX 125 PRODJECTAlso made a little stainless bracket for the temp guage i plan on making one for the otherside with rev guage and shift light off the zeeltronic http://imgur.com/gallery/z7O6FsO