The wr200 3xp / dt125r 3bn hybrid 200cc engine no.2
Cylinder fits and ports all math up perfectly now.
Crankshaft housing to be bored out next -
Crankshaft is finally due to arrive tomorrow
After speaking of the anodizers they recommend not anodising on a sandblasted finish.
So I Powder coated instead.
@Louis-James similar colour to my cases!
Looking good dude
@finnerz89 thanks, I chose at random tbh as the samples are so hard to tell from in my experience but happy with the outcome
@Louis-James They've come up well.
I was always really sceptical about powdercoating the crank cases.
Finally arrived -
@Louis-James Very cranky!!! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
New powervalver but not genuine from Greece.
@Louis-James If it's not genuine then what are the Yammy packets for??? :confused_face:
What is this? I've not seen it before from memory clips inside the splined washer .
Cases bored out for the larger crankshaft
@Louis-James Sweet looking job dude. :clapping_hands: