DT200WR restoration project pic heavy
@Louis-James Does the clock light disappear when you put it in gear?
I presume that you've checked all the wires, grounds, connectors, fuses etc. to ensure that there's nothing shorting out? No LED's all lights are regular bulbs???
@Louis-James Double check the wiring to make sure you haven't connected up the wrong sides. Sounds like a relay issue to me, I've had that a few times before.
All the looming was Mint and I cleaned all connections. The neutral light goes off when in gear... I'm pretty sure it's the regulator issue I had on my dtr
@finnerz89 they're original ones but new
@Louis-James Check that the bulbs haven't gone and/or that the loom provides continutity throughout.
@Louis-James Just make sure front right is connected to rear right and front left is connected to rear left.
@finnerz89 does a single flash then stats on.. always the small things take the time haha.
@Louis-James another thought, is the light in the clocks led? Try disconnecting that if it is
@finnerz89 no because I'm only using the new clocks shell. All wires and bulbs I swapped over
@Louis-James hmmmm
@finnerz89 thanks
I'll get some more videos outside on a nice day