What wheels are they? Look similar to the ones I've got on my Mini
New Car -
Help Removing Swinging Arm Linkage :))The main issue is getting at it to drift it out. The frame rail is in the way unfortunately
Help Removing Swinging Arm Linkage :))Should push out from the other side. I had this problem and in the end resorted to cutting it out and buying a used relay arm.
The bearings were rusted solid on mine -
Athena Big Bore kit fuelling problemWhat's the spark plug look like? Have you checked/cleaned the air filter? Is the exhaust blowing?
Athena Big Bore kit fuelling problemDid you rejet or adjust the carb to suit the big bore kit?
changing DT125R speedo@BlueMoto yes I've got one on mine. Works a treat - bit of wiring to do and I made a mounting plate as the one you get with it is a bit naff.
Not a huge job though
tubeless rims@NINJA maybe you just didn't use them right
worked a treat for me
tubeless rims@NINJA do you have any experience to back up your broad sweeping statement?
tubeless rims@britshgigolo let's hope so
tubeless rimsI used some of that anti puncture fluid on my old Suzuki - you have to take the valve out then fill the tube, valve back in and inflate. I don't think either tyre ever lost air between then and selling it
This isn't what I used but it's similar.
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F133033492866 -
Rear suspension upgradeHad a YSS on an old bike and it was sound. No experience of the others I'm afraid
Exhaust StudsYou can also get studs in 2 sizes. I.e M10 at one end and m8 at the other. Might be worth having a look at those
Speedo works but odometer doesn't@NINJA I think my trailtech kit cost me around 130, how much is a replacement from Yamaha?
Speedo works but odometer doesn'tI'd go aftermarket - I can recommend the trailtech vapor
Dt125x bleed brakes+1 on the vacuum kits.
I've only just got one and now I'm wondering how I got on for so long without one lol
Silencer failed motWeird
None of my bikes have numbers on the exhausts. Never had a problem with MOT's -
Engine Rebuilt, Now wont start, and makes horrible dump valve sound when turned off@NINJA if you've put fresh coolant in an empty system you need to bleed it though
Engine Rebuilt, Now wont start, and makes horrible dump valve sound when turned offDid you have the rad cap off when kicking it over?
Idle jet.Yeah I recommend an inline fuel filter
New luggage racks@NINJA won't fit my bike and I've got one thanks