Snooping around the house I found these items
[image: HwZdTZw.jpeg]
I shudder think what I spend on these things and I don't even remember half the time!
This is a sort of budget build though.
[image: YGR0dxG.jpeg]
I ummed and arred but I was just going to reuse the handlebars that came with this bike. They're in pretty bad shape, but easy enough to replace should I want to put some prettier ones on.
Front wheel fitted, front brake disassembled, need pads and it'll be good to go.
[image: SyyH0qs.jpeg]
Front tyre looks good, so happy to reuse this for the moment. Just needs pads.
[image: iGR4VtG.jpeg]
I would have got the rear wheel fitted, but ran out of steam.
Save that for next weekend.